School Project Dashboard

Programme Highlights

14 November 2017, Children’s Day

In response to philanthropic interest from alumni of Odisha schools to give back to their alma maters, Chief Minister launches the “Mo School Abhiyan”.

 20 December 2017

Odisha government appoints Dr Susmita Mohanty, a renowned space entrepreneur the Chairperson of Mo School in the rank of Minister of State to provide leadership, vision and guidance.

end-January 2018

Mo School Concept Note co-authored by Chairperson Dr. Susmita Mohanty and Mr. Rajesh Mahapatra, a reputed journalist and member of the Mo School Advisory Board. Concept Note shared with the 30 District Collectors.

February 2018

Mo School Bye-laws drafted and submitted for approval to the State Government. 

3 March 2018

Mo School Resolution no. 4578/SME, dated: 03.03.2018 issued by the School andMass Education Department. 

14 March 2018

Mo School Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) campaign launched by Chief Minister in presence of invited guests including Alan Gemmell OBE, the Director of the British Council in India and US Consul General Mrs. Katherine B. Hadda.

14 March 2018

1st Video Conference between the Mo School Chairperson, Principal Secretary, School & Mass Education Department and all 30 District Collectors.

15 March 2018

1st Mo School Brainstorm session organised at the Gopabandhu Academy. 30 experts from diverse disciplines (education, life sciences, psychology, the arts, architecture, design, journalism, social work, etc.) were invited for an all-day workshop to discuss the vision and strategy for Mo School. They also visited Kapila Prasad High School in Bhubaneswar to see the school premises and interact with the head mistress and teachers to better understand the challenges faced by government schools.


1st District Visit by the Mo School team to Ganjam. Meetings with Ganjam Collector Mr. Prem Chaudhary, District Education Officer (DEO) Dr. Sanatan Panda, all Block Education Officers (BEOs), some Head Teachers and others. Visited 3 schools: PUPS Elementary School in Chatrapur, V.V. Giri Government Girls’ High School, Berhampur and the City High School, Berhampur. Met with students, teachers, headmasters/mistresses, parents, and alumni.


Preliminary discussions with organisations such as British Council, Tata Trusts, Child Fund, Commonwealth of Learning and KISS for potential collaboration in diverse programme areas. British Council agreed to support an English language programme for teachers, teacher educators and students. 

19 April

Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan and team interacted with around 80 invited members of various alumni associations from Cuttack, Puri and Khurda district schools along with school Head Teachers and officials in Bhubaneswar.


Mo School Bye-laws reviewed, edited, finalised and ratified by all concerned departments including School & Mass Education, Finance, and Law Department. 

14 May

Pan-Odisha Mo School Awareness Campaign and Alumni Mobilisation launched. Chairperson sent a detailed action letter to Collectors of all 30 districts, followed by a series of video and phone consultations between the district education administrators and the Mo School team to clarify doubts, answer questions and support the mobilisation activities. 

14 May

Department of School and Mass Education (SME), Government of Odisha has designated Principal Secretary, SME as Vice Chairperson and SPD, OPEPA as Member Secretary of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ vide Resolution no 10437/SME dtd.14/05/18. 

17 May

‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 at IG, Registration, Cuttack.


The state government allotted office space to “Mo School” office vide order No 4828/GA dt.19/02/18 at A1 Block, 6th floor, Toshali Bhawan, Satya Nagar, Bhubaneswar. 

1 June

Mo School office starts functioning from Toshali Bhawan in Bhubaneswar.

Early June

Visual Identity and Branding design for Mo School kick-started. Work on designing Mo School collaterals (booklet, visiting card, letterhead, envelopes, posters, standee, certificate, etc. begins)

The month of June

Mobilisation activities in full swing. The progress can be tracked on a daily basis on the Mo School Facebook page and Twitter handle.

1st half of July 

District Level Committees (DLCs) formed in all 30 districts comprising government officials and eminent persons as nominees – to support the Abhiyan. All 317 Blocks across the state conducted district and block level sensitisation meetings to familiarise all concerned with the Mo School Abhiyan and to mobilize alumni to connect, collaborate and contribute to their local schools.

School-level activities initiated in 11762 schools and communities mobilized to contribute to the development of their local schools.

4 July

1st Governing Council (GC) Meeting held in Bhubaneswar. GC discusses challenges and successes of the initial phase of pan-Odisha mobilisation activities. GC approves Mo School organigram, and program implementation modalities for Mo School supported projects in schools.

15 July

Work on the new website for Mo School kick-started. This website to have provisions for a payment gateway such that alumni can contribute money electronically.

By 18 July

DLC-approved detailed project proposals and tally of contributions collected received from DEOs of 6 districts: Bargarh, Bhadrak, Jagatsingpur, Gajapti, Nuapada and Kalahandi.

19 July

1st Executive Council Meeting of Mo School held in Bhubaneswar. EC cleared 262 projects from 6 districts with a matching share of 1,77,01,891 INR.

24 July

In about 6 weeks since the launch of Mo School district-level mobilisation, nearly 1/3rd of high-schools and elementary schools (20349 out of 67961) confirmed having organised Mo School related meetings. Some of the schools already had Alumni Associations, the rest of them are starting to create Alumni Associations.

3 November 2018

The 5th meeting of the Executive Council (EC) was held under the Chairpersonship of Principal Secretary, School & Mass Education(S & ME) Department  and approved 703 school projects amounting to Rs 5,83,91,328 from 14 districts with a donor contribution of Rs 1,94,63,776 and State Govt’s Matching grant of Rs 2,89,27,552 from Anugul, Bargarh, Bhadrakh, Bolangir, Deogarh, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Jagatsingpur, Jajpur, Keonjhar, Khurda, Malkanagir, Rayagada and Sambalpur.

The Executive Council also decided to open a Mo School Cell in DEO’s office and designate a nodal officer for Project Monitoring at the district level. The EC instructed the DLCs to constitute Block Monitoring teams and a school level implementation group to ensure effective implementation of the programme.

14 November 2018

An official meeting with Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK registered charity to run Code Club in schools to inspire the next generation to get excited about computer science and digital making. The Code Club projects aim to familiarise students with programming languages like scratch, python, html etc.

17 November 2018

A brainstorm session was organised to take expert support and inputs in developing a Programme Monitoring Framework for MSAPS and to get a set of recommendation possible modalities for Project MIS and documentation. The meet decided to recommend development of a practice paper series, 60 briefing papers on good practices (4 – 8 pages each depending on content).

17 November 2018

Starting 17 November 2018, 270 students from 10 Government schools participated in a 10 day long “Map the Trail” Children’s Art workshop organized by Art 1st at Kedarnath Gaveshana Pratisthan (Kedarnath Bhawan), Bhubaneswar. Students learned to visually transform their lived experience of the trail through this workshop.

18 November 2018

An initial in-person workshop on Code Club by Raspberry Foundation was organised in 5 schools of Bhubaneswar for 10 teachers, 50 students. The workshop familiarised the participating students and teachers with programming languages like scratch, python, html etc.

20 November 2018

The second meeting of the Governing Council (GC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ (MSAPS) was held under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Susmita Mohanty, Chairperson. The General Council discussed on the programmes those that can be undertaken during the period November 2018- March 2019 and approved.

6 December 2018

A meeting under the Chairpersonship of Prof(Dr) Gopal Krishna Nayak, Director, IIIT- Bhubaneswar decided to have a bilingual Mo School State level portal, pages for District level Chapter and School level Micro Websites along with Dashboard PMIS pages. The committee also recommended to hire a multidisciplinary professional team for undertaking and managing these activities.

14 December 2018

The 6th meeting of the Executive Council (EC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ was held under the Chairpersonship of Principal Secretary, School & Mass Education (S & ME) Department cum Chairperson, Executive Council (EC) and approved 1918 school projects amounting to Rs 10,42,18,842 from 13 districts with a donor contribution of Rs 3,47,39,614 and State Govt’s Matching grant of Rs 6,94,79,228. EC decided to collaborate with few Universities and Institute of Advance Studies in Education located in Cuttack, Sambalpur, Berhampur and few BEd training colleges in programme monitoring and documentation. EC also decided to collaborate with Tata Trust, Bakul Foundation and UNICEF for a programme which is proposed to be organized on a caravan mode to reach out to maximum number of schools in Rayagada, Kandhamal and Kalahandi districts during January 2019 and to organise Alumni meet at various location- Districts, Block & School level during Jan & February 2019 for popularising the concepts of Mo School Abhiyan and promote participation of Alumni.

4 January 2019

The office of MSAPS received 1st NRO funding from Prof Chitta Barala and his sisters to work on development of a library in Jenapur High School in Jajpur district.

MSAPS has entered a MoU with Bakul Foundation in the presence of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha on 4 January 2019 for promoting volunteerism and setting up of libraries in schools.

11 January 2019

A meeting was organised with selected DIET, IASE/ CTE Principals and faculties to develop a framework on concurrent Monitoring of Mo School projects in school level. The workshop recommended for programme monitoring using random sampling method for 10 % of the total sanctioned school in 2018-19 and institutionalise the process with Govt agencies like BEd Colleges, IASE.

14 January 2019

The 7th meeting of the Executive Council (EC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ was held under the Chairpersonship of Mr. Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra, Principal Secretary, School & Mass Education(S & ME) Department cum Chairperson, Executive Council (EC) and approved 1398 school projects amounting to Rs 9,16,651,78 from 16 districts with a donor contribution of Rs 3,05,55,059.3 and State Govt’s Matching grant of Rs 6,11,10,118 from Bargarh, Bhadrakh, , Bolangir, Ganjam, Jajpur, Kandhamal, Kendrapada, Khurda, Koraput, Mayurbhanj, Nayagarh, Nuapada, Puri, Sambalpur and Sonepur. EC approved the proposal to collaborate with Tata Trust and Bakul Foundation to organize a caravan to reach out to 20 schools in Rayagada, Kandhamal and Kalahandi districts for conducting storytelling, literature and film festivals as well as establishing school libraries with support from local schools and communities.

15 January 2019

A webinar program was conducted on Code Club activities by Raspberry Pi Foundation with 60 schools of 30 districts.

17 January 2019

The third meeting of the Governing Council (GC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ (MSAPS) was held under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Susmita Mohanty, Chairperson, Mo School. The Governing Council approved the EC recommendations on the plan for January- March 19 which includes District Alumni Meet, School Level Celebration, Pilot Caravan programme , IEC campaign in Schools, Districts and State ( Posters, Hoardings and Booklets, Documentary-AVs/ Print etc)and development and Publication of a Coffee table book and a film on Mo School.

22 January 2019

A planning meeting on designing the capacity building program of English teachers of 141 schools (OAVs, Zilla Schools & other) was organised with British Council India.

26-31 January 2019

All 30 districts organised Alumni meets at various locations- District, Block & School level between 26-31 January 2019 to promote Mo School Abhiyan and to celebrate participation of Alumni in Mo School Projects. In 10,000 schools, the school level celebration had components like Memory Walk, observation of work undertaken by schools under Mo School Abhiyan and doing a felicitation of Alumni.

27 Jan-10 Feb 2019

A pilot Caravan program was organised by MSAPS in partnership with Tata Trusts & Bakul Foundation to establish school libraries as well as to demonstrate models of storytelling, literature and film festival in 18 (Eighteen) schools of Rayagada, Kandhamal and Kalahandi districts during 27 January- 10 Feb 2019.

28 January 2019

A preliminary discussion was held with Prof Jatin Nayak, Member, Board of Advisors, MSAPS for developing a document capturing 100 Odia alumni from Odisha Govt Schools from around the world.

4-5 February 2019

A two days long workshop was organised by MSAPS to fiinalize the tools for concurrent monitoring & evaluation. 20 experts participated in this workshop and gave their views. The workshop also discussed on the sampling method, the data capturing tool and standardise formats.

4-7 February 2019

A Baseline study was conducted by British Council in 20 randomly selected schools of Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Bolangir, Kalahandi, Ganjam, Khordha, Cuttack, Puri for the joint project in 141 schools on developing English language proficiency, understanding and use of specified learning-centric classroom approaches and techniques.

17-22 February 2019

A five-day long capacity building program for English Teachers from the 111 selected schools was organised in 4 venues in collaboration with British Council India.

18 February 2019

The 8th meeting of the Executive Council (EC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ was held and approved 1489 school projects amounting to Rs 151680970.8 from 22 districts with a donor contribution of Rs 50560323.6 and State Govt’s matching grant of Rs 101120647.2. EC cleared the proposal to collaborate with British Council India for capacity building of English teachers from 100 Adarsh Vidyalaya and 41 Zilla High Schools to develop their English language proficiency, understanding and use of specified learning-centred classroom approaches and techniques.

1 March 2019

The 9th meeting of the Executive Council (EC) of ‘Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan’ was held and approved 1214 school projects amounting to Rs 1047027555.5 from 20 districts with a donor contribution of Rs 34900918.5 and State Govt’s matching grant of Rs 69801837. The Executive Council discussed and gave in principle approval to the proposed “Mo School Mo Katha”-Programme documentation on one year of completion of Mo School Abhiyan.

8 March 2019

Ms. Sagarika Rath, Asst. Teacher, VV Giri High School, Ganjam and Mrs. Barsha rani Mohaptra, Asst. Teacher, Govt High School, Jharsuguda participated as Odisha female teachers’ participants for International Women’s Day blog of Raspberry Pi Foundation globally.

15 March 2019

A service support contribution model for promoting story telling is agreed with Mr. Tara Prasad Dash in 3 schools of Koraput & 2 schools of Bhunbaneswar.


June, 2019

The Operation Support Unit (OSU) was made fully functional and started operating in the office of MSAPS.

18th July, 2019

The 10th Executive Council meeting approved 489 school projects amounting to Rs. 5,83,16,518 from 18 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 1,94,65,506 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 3,88,51,012.

16th August, 2019

Odisha Government appoints well-known writer Smt. Susmita Bagchi as the Chairperson of Mo School Abhiyan in the rank and status of Minister of State.

21st August, 2019

Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan office provided an opportunity for the students of Capital High School, Unit-3, Bhubaneswar to visit computer workstation.

30th August, 2019

The 11th Executive Council meeting approved 708 school projects amounting to Rs. 6,45,30,387 from 25 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 2,15,10,129 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 4,30,20,258.

4th September, 2019

The fourth meeting of Governing Council (GC) approved the plan for implementation of following programmes during the period September – December, 2019

  • Revamping of 100 years and 50 years old schools.
  • Special drive to connect 1 lakh alumni to schools for grooming school children.
  • Library project in 1000 schools.
  • 100 positive stories on Odia medium schools and best practices under Mo School Abhiyan.
  • Mo School Mahotsav: Felicitation and celebrating Mo School milestone on 14th November, 2019.

7th September, 2019

Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan visited Ravenshaw Collegiate School, Cuttack and inaugurated an ambitious project- smart classroom & reading room under Mo School Abhiyan.

12th September, 2019

Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan inaugurated new school building, library and MDM hall  of Panchayatiraj High School, Kanpura of Dhenkanal district.

13th September, 2019

An interactive programme was held with heritage school Head Teachers in Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan office for developing the respective school’s requirements and planning for their overall growth.

3rd October, 2019

Khimji Foundation Director Mitesh Khimji donated Rs. 15 lakh to Mo School Abhiyan for school level learning enhancement programme for Class-X students in selected schools of Cuttack district.

17th October, 2019

District Education Officer of Cuttack district handed over a cheque amounting Rs. 20 lakh to Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan. The amount has been supported by M/S Arati Steels Ltd. to undertake learning exercise & TLM by schools of Cuttack under Mission Zero F.

21st October, 2019

Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan supported Rs. 1 lakh to Onslow School, Chhatrapur, Ganjam under Mo School Abhiyan on behalf of Sri. Subroto Bagchi, Chairman, OSDA. The Collector & DM of Ganjam district Sri. Vijay Amruta Kulange, IAS contributed Rs. 3 lakh from Guru Chhatra Kalyan Panthi to Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan as schools’ share for DREAM project.

22nd October, 2019

Zonal Level Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan of 6 districts organized in the conference hall of GCD High School, Rayagada under the chairmanship of Mrs. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan  and Mr. Amrut Ruturaj, IAS PD, DRDA, Rayagada.

29th October, 2019

The 12th Executive Council meeting (EC) approved 750 school projects amounting to Rs. 3,90,51,324 from 16 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 1,30,17,108 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 2,60,34,216.

1st and 2nd November 2019

Mo School Abhiyan ensured participation of students from various schools for living the experience of live match viewing of the Olympic Qualifiers Hockey Tournament in Kalinga Stadium BBSR on 1st and 2nd Nov 2019.

14th November, 2019

On the occasion of Children’s Day, the Honorable Chief Minister of Odisha launched the Mo School Mobile App along with the unveiling of Coffee Table Book & Quarterly Newsletter “A Aa Ka Kha” of Mo School Abhiyan.

9th December, 2019

The fifth meeting of Governing Council (GC) approved the plan for implementation of a special programme with alumni on revamping 100 years and 50 years old schools, organizing a special drive to connect alumni to schools for special learning camps during April-June 2020 and a Library projects in 1000 schools.

14th January, 2020

The 13th Executive Council meeting approved 1065 school projects amounting to Rs. 6,22,66,260 from 21 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 2,07,55,420 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 4,15,10,840. It was decided to set up a Children’s Resource Centre (Library) and Reading Room in one school located in Bhubaneswar in collaboration with OSEPA as a demonstration model for the state. The EC also instructed office of MSAPS to come up with a book list for grade specific reading materials for school libraries.

26th January-10th Feb, 2020

Mo School Abhiyan Parichalana Sangathan had put up a stall as part of its promotional activity in Adivasi Mela- 2020 held from 2th January, 2020 to 9th February, 2020.

12th February, 2020

The 14th Executive Council meeting approved 827 school projects amounting to Rs. 6,08,43,115 from 21 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 2,69,47,705 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 5,38,95,410.

The EC also approved a project with Infosys Foundation to spend Rs. 5 Crore in 50 schools for various infrastructural developments under the supervision of Mo School Abhiyan and a project with the Agastya Foundation to train 753 nos of Science and Math teachers of the state.

6th March, 2020

The sixth meeting of Governing Council gave its approval to collaborate with Jolly Future Foundation in building a learning environment for English in early grade.

Annual Report 2019 – 20

18th June 2020

The 15th Executive Council approved 490 school projects recommended by 20 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs 4,53,05,739 with a donor contribution of Rs. 1,51,01,913 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 3,02,03,826. The EC decided to put up a proposal to State Government for inclusion of District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs) and Secondary Training Schools under the Mo School Abhiyan.

 21st August 2020

The 16th Executive Council approved 305 school projects recommended by 19 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs 4,23,56,847 with a donor contribution of Rs. 1,41,18,949 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 2,82,37, 898. The EC decided to speed up the implementation, especially the procurement and civil works in schools. The EC also decided to send a request letter to CSR wings of corporates to extend financial support as their contribution to govt schools in the districts. 

12th October 2020

The 17th Executive Council approved 236 school projects recommended by 15 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs 3,14,24,568 with a donor contribution of Rs. 1,04,74,856 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 209,49,712. The EC decided to collaborate with Livolink Foundation, an associate of Tata Trust to work on libraries, reading promotion and school reopening bridging activities in 3 blocks of Rayagada, Kandhamal and Kalahandi. 

13th November 2020

The 18th Executive Council approved 1606 school projects recommended by 25 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs. 7,39,23,204 with a donor contribution of Rs. 2,46,41,338 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 4,92,82,136. The EC decided to undertake intensive programme to mobilize alumni in minimum of 25000 schools by March 2021 and to create alumni committees in all Mo School project schools to support implementation and monitoring of projects.

 4th December 2020

The 19th Executive Council approved 2657 school projects recommended by 28 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs. 10,75,50,624 with a donor contribution of Rs. 3,58,50,208 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 7,17,00,416. The Executive council lauded the efforts of districts like Gajapati, Balasore, Kalahandi, Cuttack, Nuapada and Sundargarh, for taking strong initiatives in mobilising alumni and leading the programme on such a massive scale even during the pandemic. The EC advised DEOs to form campaign teams and monitoring teams with 5-6 teachers at Dist and Block level for undertaking the project mobilization and monitoring of schools, until the schools reopens. 

24th December 2020

The 20th Executive Council approved 4488 school projects recommended by 28 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs. 27,37,39,515 with a donor contribution of Rs. 9,12,46,505 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 18,24,93,010. The Executive council lauded the efforts of districts like Balasore, Kalahandi, Ganjam, Khordha and Cuttack for taking strong initiatives in mobilising alumni and leading the programme on such a massive scale even during the pandemic. It was decided to initiate processes to complete all projects with project value of Rs 5 lakhs by January 21, all projects below 10 lakhs by March 21. It was decided to include Internet Connectivity and wifi connection to schools as one of the activities under Mo School with alumni contribution.

19th January 2021

The seventh meeting of Governing Council (GC) approved the proposed plan for Jan -March 2021, Annual Plan for 2021-22 and finalised to work with 100 schools @3 schools in each district for Inspirational Change in 1 year, to introduce Student Adoption Programme, for enabling the Alumni & others to adopt @100 schools@ 1000 students, to have intensive special drive for VIP adoption of schools. Encourage and tag MLA, MP, members of All India Service & State Service, Personnel in Corporate sector for adoption. It was also decided to create the profile of each students in the data base. Map the children of High Schools, every school to identify at least 2 outstanding students with adequate profiling so that the mentors can decide and recognition & award to teachers in a grand way that will capitalise on the celebration of Pride. Smart Classrooms, Robotics and Building as A Learning Aid (BaLA) are agreed to be included as activities to be eligible for matching grant under Mo School Abhiyan.

28th January 2021

The 21st Executive Council approved 4701 school projects recommended by 30 District Level Committees (DLCs) amounting to Rs. 32,54,23,599 with a donor contribution of Rs. 10,88,42,315 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 21,76,84,630. It was decided to hire different agencies to support programme documentation, Audio Visual and IEC material development for the newly launched programmes, equipping the PMU and to furnish the School Adoption Cell in S & ME Dept with digital devices.

 19th February 2021

The 22nd Executive Council meeting approved 5609 school projects from 28 districts amounting to Rs. 32,38,80,002 with a donor contribution of Rs. 10,80,93,334 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 21,57,86,668. It was decided to implement the Public Disclosure and Social Audit programme for all Mo School Projects in collaboration with Alumni & Schools.

 25th March 2021

The 23rd Executive Council meeting approved 4116 school projects from 28 districts amounting to Rs. 29,33,72,127 with a donor contribution of Rs. 9,77,90,709 and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 19,55,81,418. The EC decided to handover the Thank You letter from Hon’ble Chief Minister to all 4.6 lakhs alumni & contributors by 15th April across the State.

Annual Report 2020 – 21

30th April, 2021

The 24th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held in virtual mode which approved projects worth Rs. 122.26 crore in 24 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 5.20 crore and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 10.40 crore. In addition, a financial aid of Rs. 35.55 crore was granted to Mo School Abhiyan from various CSR funds. In the meeting it was instructed to the selected 1000 schools (High School Transformation & selected SAP schools) to roll out the Energy Club Activities.

17th June, 2021

The 25th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held in virtual mode approved projects worth Rs. 103.01 crore in 23 districts with a donor contribution of Rs. 5 crore and State Govt’s share of matching grant Rs. 8 crore. In addition, a financial aid of Rs. 30 crore was granted to Mo School Abhiyan from various CSR funds. In the meeting it was decided that  Mo School will be extending its Code Club activities to 1,000 schools under High School Transformation programme.

27th June, 2021

Sri Anupam Saha, IAS, Collector & DM, Gajapati gets additional charge of Member Secretary, Mo School.

19th July, 2021

The 26th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held in the virtual mode, which approved projects worth ₹94.70 crores in 23 districts. Alumni members along with various philanthropic organisations have contributed ₹ 11.56 crore, while the state Govt’s share of matching grant was ₹23.12 crore. In addition, financial aid of ₹20 crores was granted to Mo School Abhiyan from various CSR funds. In the meeting, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept Sri Satyabrata Sahu has directed Mo School officials to visit the districts on a regular basis to conduct supportive supervision at the school-level under High School Transformation Programme.

29th July, 2021

To develop newer pedagogical techniques, training programmes for Mathematics & Science teachers of 750 high schools started from 29th of July. As part of the academic enrichment initiative, Mo School has organised the training in collaboration with Agastya Foundation & Infosys.

24th August, 2021

 To promote digital literacy among teachers, Mo School Abhiyan with UK-based Raspberry Pi Foundation held a virtual training programme for 50 high school teachers of Ganjam district. Soon, the 1,072 HSs transformed under initiative will be equipped with ‘Code Club’.

27th August, 2021

 The 27th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹21.96 crores in 29 districts of Odisha. The EC has instructed the authorities of Mo School to form a special team to monitor the progress of school projects under Mo School Abhiyan. The team will vigilantly look at the ongoing projects at the state, district and school levels.

9th September, 2021

 The 8th Governing Council meeting of the ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held in virtual mode under the Chairmanship of Smt. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan. The Council approved several programmes undertaken by ‘Mo School’ in collaboration with various organisations from across the state and abroad to upgrade the skills of teachers and to implement skill-based teaching-learning process. The Council also advised to identify and reward three teachers from each district for their outstanding contribution under ‘Mo School Abhiyan’. It was also proposed that schools under School Adoption Programme (SAP) conduct monthly meetings with their respective mentors.

27th September, 2021

The 28th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹16.32 crores in 1238 schools in 25 districts of Odisha. For the first time ever, higher secondary schools have been incorporated in ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ and it has been decided to expedite the Mo School program in all the stand alone higher secondary schools in the state. The EC also decided to submit a proposal to the state govt for the inclusion of govt and govt aided composite higher secondary schools in the ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ program.

25th October, 2021

An MoU was signed by Sri Anupam Saha, Member Secretary, Mo School and Sri Akash Sethi, CEO, Quest Alliance to support the transformation of learning ecosystem in Odisha. In the next three years, more than 20,000 teachers of 4,000 schools and 16 lakh students will benefit from this digital literacy venture. An MoU was signed between Mo School and Quest Alliance in this regard. The partnership will promote STEM learning and provide career counselling to students.

30th October, 2021

The 29th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹15.18 crores in 1146 schools in of Odisha. The council instructed that emphasis will be prioritised on field monitoring and social audits to maintain transparency on the ongoing Mo School projects. Special audit teams will be mobilised in schools to amplify the audit of Mo School programmes.

14th November, 2021

On the completion of four years of Mo School Abhiyan, Hon’ble CM along with other dignitaries released a Coffee Table Book & a special booklet ‘Back to School’ comprising stories of Good Samaritan alumni members.

30th November, 2022

The 30th Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹16.29 crores in 23 districts of Odisha. The Executive Council has advised the officials of ‘Mo School’ to incorporate alumni in implementing the advice of the task force. In a bid to promote community participation, ‘Mo School’ has been advised to conduct regular meetings of parents, SMC, local people and villagers of the transformed schools under the guidance of alumni. Parents, alumni members, SMC and local people can take necessary decisions to transition the transformed schools into ‘Centre of Excellence’.

30th December, 2021

The 31st Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹18.30 crores in 23 districts of Odisha. ‘Social Audit’ has been launched by ‘Mo School’ to emphasize transparency and accountability. While social audits have been started in 150 schools of 30 districts, plans are underway to conduct social audits in the 35,000 project schools across the state. Shri Satyabrata Sahu, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. has ordered schools that have received financial grants to pace up the project works. The schools that have delayed the initiation of the project works even after receiving financial grants long back, have been ordered to return the funds soon.

27th January, 2022

To introduce effective teaching-learning practices & meet the needs of every child in class, Mo School in collaboration with Agastya Foundation has organised a 4-day long virtual training session for Science & Mathematics teachers of selected high schools in 15 districts.

11th February, 2022

The 9th Governing Council meeting of the ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held in virtual mode under the Chairmanship of Smt. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School Abhiyan. The Council advised the office of Mo School to start alumni driven school-based aspiration programme in high schools to encourage alumni members to contribute through their service for holistic development of the students. In a bid to promote learning practice among elementary and secondary students, Mo School in collaboration with UNICEF will conduct a special programme for next 2 years. The major focus of the collaboration will be to address the learning loss of students due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

2nd March, 2022

The 32nd Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Bishnupada Sethy, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode this month in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹38.90 crores in 22 districts of Odisha. The EC advised the office of MSAPS to undertake the approval of applications for school adoption at the Mo School office level. It also advised for exploring options and work with experts on initiating Communicative English practices at the elementary level and popularise maths Olympiads in elementary classes.

3rd March, 2022

Build Odisha, an initiative of Global Odia Diaspora partnered with Mo School for the greater cause of strengthening education. The collaboration will create a platform for alumni & donors across the globe to contribute for holistic development of Govt & aided schools in Odisha.

10th March, 2022

A virtual orientation programme was conducted with the headteachers of 150 adopted high schools & elementary schools of the state to chalk out a detailed roadmap for student aspirations under the School Adoption Programme. To support students within and beyond the classroom, a range of activities will be undertaken by schools to focus and enhance the interests, desires and aspirations of the students.

25th March, 2022

To bring true leadership potential of Head Teachers, a 3-day training on “School Leadership” is being organised at Gopabandhu Academy of Administration, BBSR. As part of 100 Schools Programme, Mo School has organised the training in collaboration with People for Action. The training will help in mastering strategic leadership tools, visioning exercises, establishing learning centred culture in schools and goal setting approach to achieve it. It will also highlight the usage of newly created assets & digital devices under HST Programme.

28th March, 2022

Mo School Abhiyan and HDFC Bank inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  for the integrated development of 4 schools in Nayagarh district. Sri Anupam Saha, Member Secretary, Mo School and Sri Ajit Kumar Padhy, Deputy VP, HDFC Bank, Odisha, signed the MoU at the conference hall of OSEPA in the presence of Dr Arun Kumar Sahu, Minister, Agriculture, Fisheries & ARD, Higher Education and Sri Samir Ranjan Dash, Minister, School & Mass Education Department.

Annual Report 2021 – 22

12th April, 2022

Mo School facilitated a meeting on accelerated learning recovery program with the UN agencies, corporates, INGOs & NGOs to address students’ learning needs. The meeting was chaired by Smt. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson, Mo School and was attended by eminent dignitaries & sector experts. The idea is to take full advantage of Mo School’s strong alumni network as a constructive resource & reverse the losses by involving both community and alumni through several programmes.

13th April, 2022

The 33rd Executive Council meeting of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ was held under the chairmanship of Shri Bishnupada Sethy, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept. The meeting, which was held in virtual mode in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, approved projects worth ₹128.32 crores in 27 districts of Odisha. Sri Sethi put forward the proposal of utilising the modes of financial monitoring systems such as PMFS and SNI to keep tabs on financial transparency. Sri Sethi also proposed the office of MSAPS to look into the prospects of collaborating with Odisha Bigyan Academy to boost the scientific temperament of the students.

25th May, 2022

The 34TH Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan, held under the chairmanship of Sri Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept has approved projects worth ₹21.90 Crores in 26 districts. In one month, 13,302 alumni have been connected to ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ who have contributed ₹5.33 Crores for the development of their alma mater. Under CSR contributions of various industries and corporates, Mo School has received ₹1.68 Crores for the development of govt and aided schools. Coupled with a 2X matching grant for the donors and CSR contribution, the council has approved projects worth ₹21.90 Crores. Post the transformation of high schools in 1st and 2nd phase of High School Transformation, over 2000 high schools out of the remaining 4310 schools will be transformed in the 3rd phase of the programme.

18th July, 2022

Chairing the 35th Executive Council of Mo School Abhiyan, Sri Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary, S&ME Dept laid emphasis on the infrastructural development of the govt. schools under Mo School Abhiyan. The council was pleased with the record number of Utilisation Certificates (UCs) submitted to the office of the Mo School within a month’s time. Proposals worth ₹131.73 crores from 26 districts have been approved in the Executive Council. Within a month, 10,672 alumni have joined hands with Mo School Abhiyan and have contributed ₹5.06 crores for the development of their alma mater. Mo School Abhiyan has received grants worth ₹38.85 crore from various CSR funds. Coupled with the donors’ contribution, CSR funds and a 2X matching grant from the state govt., the Executive Council has approved projects worth ₹131.73 crores which will be availed in the development of the 1557 primary, upper primary and high schools across the state.

11th October 2022

The 36th Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan was chaired by Smt. Aswathy S., Commissioner cum Secretary of the S&ME Dept., Govt. of Odisha. The council submitted a proposal for co-branding CSR in the HST programme. The guidelines for engaging Mission Shakti Self Help Groups (SHGs) in various activities and implementing watch & ward measures have been submitted to the S&ME department. Furthermore, Aspirational Programmes were introduced during the meeting and virtual interactions were identified in 118 blocks across 25 districts. There are also plans to cover an additional 100 blocks within a specific time frame. The excess Matching Grant of ₹48 Lakhs has been adjusted from the requisition of the 35th EC and the fund sanctioned amount of ₹88,14,68,474/- is in the Mo School dedicated to Matching Grant Account.

9th November 2022

The 37th Meeting of the Executive Council of Mo School Abhiyan was headed by Smt. Aswathy S., Commissioner cum Secretary in the presence of the Chairperson of MO SCHOOL and Executive Officials. The discussion highlighted the Progress Report regarding the installation of the ‘Read to Me’ Software in 27 schools, with baseline assessments conducted in 3 schools. The O/o MSAPS conducted Physical Monitoring in 44 Blocks across 10 districts covering 128 schools. It was noted that 300 schools will introduce a minimum of 2 sports and 2 aspirational activities. The Office of MSAPS has sanctioned ₹427.57 crores out of ₹484.10 crores and has submitted an additional requisition amount of ₹26,07,27,0233 to the S&ME Dept.

25th January 2023

The 38th EC Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan was conducted under the leadership of Smt. Aswathy S., Commissioner cum Secretary in the presence of chairperson of MO SCHOOL. The EC advised the O/o MSAPS to introduce House System in all govt. & govt. aided high schools for next academic year as well Mo School is required to ensure non-negotiable project implementation with regular monitoring drives to maintain quality standards. On positive note the meeting was concluded with the approval of a 2x matching grant of ₹153,54,17,270 for 3821 submissions across 28 DLCs.

22th March 2023

The 39th Meeting of the Executive Council of Mo School Abhiyan was chaired by Commissioner cum Secretary in the presence of chairperson of MO SCHOOL. The Proposals submitted by SC & ST Development Dept. to extend the additional support of ₹5 lakhs towards smart class room for class 8th in 419 schools. The EC also approved proposals related to an upper limit of ₹50 lakhs, furthermore a 2x matching grant of ₹64,31,54,074 for 2961 submissions has been provided for 27 DLCs.

10th May 2023

The 40th Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan under the initiative of the Commissioner cum Secretary and in the presence of Smt. Susmita Bagchi, Chairperson of Mo School, emphasized the need for clarification regarding HST grants and sought details regarding a 2x matching grant from the state government towards alumni contributions. Further discussion in the meeting resulted in the EC granting approval for a 2x matching grant of ₹ 3,530,407,148 for 2402 submissions of DLCs.

10th July 2023

The 41ST Meeting of the Executive Council of Mo School Abhiyan was conducted under the leadership of the Commissioner cum Secretary in the presence of chairperson of Mo School. The O/o MSAPS directed to undertake processes for new MoU with ‘Cini’ for the Elementary School Programme. The EC approved to 2x matching grant of 72,04,39,774 for 6778 for the submission of 22 DLCs. As the committee instructed Mo School to verify the documents and do adjustments accordingly. For requisition and fund release, the responsibility lies with the S&ME Dept. Moreover MSAPS planned to organise a massive service contribution drive for plantation in schools aiming to cover all 54,673 schools by September 2023.

25th August 2023

The 42nd Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan was chaired by the Commissioner cum Secretary of the S&ME Dept. and other officials marked their presence in the meeting. Ahead in the discussion MSAPS approved a 2x matching grant of ₹ 24,36,24,740 for 4676 submissions across 29 DLCs under the School Proposals for 2x Matching Grants from the Government. The EC allowed the office of MSAPS to separately submit the requirement to the S&ME Dept. for the sanction of additional support of 1044x with the amount of 15 lakhs in addition to the previously sanctioned amount of ₹ 30 lakhs for further assistance. MSAPS is to proceed under the Inclusion of SSEPD High School Transformative Programme which majorly covers HST.

12th October 2023

The 43th Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan, held under the chairmanship of commissioner cum Secretary, S&ME Dept has approved projects worth ₹16.46 Crores. The Executive Council also approved the ASPIRATIONAL PAVILION for state level children’s festival SURAVI. In one month, more than 12000 alumni have been connected to ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ who have contributed ₹5.48 Crores for the development of their alma mater.

06th December 2023

The 44th Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan was conducted under the leadership of the Commissioner cum Secretary in the presence of chairperson of Mo School. The EC approved to 2x matching grant of 34,00,85,936 for 5000 for the submission of 24 DLCs. In one month more than 7000 alumni have been connected to Mo School Abhiyan who have contributed ₹7.97 Crores for the development of their alma mater. Mo School Abhiyan has received grants worth ₹10.62 crore from various CSR funds.

30th December 2023

The 45th Executive Council Meeting of Mo School Abhiyan was chaired by the Commissioner cum Secretary of the S&ME Dept. and other officials marked their presence in the meeting. Ahead in the discussion MSAPS approved a 2x matching grant of ₹ 9,62,68,916 for 852 submissions across 28 DLCs under the School Proposals for 2x Matching Grants from the Government. The Executive council also approved to organize Mukhyamantri Shikhya Puraskar district level award ceremonies from 6th to 15th February 2024. In one month, more than 8813 alumni have been connected to ‘Mo School’ for the development of their alma mater.
